Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Looking Forward To LIVING!

Before our split I used to think that Galen and I were meant to be together. I still believe that. What our union has contributed to the world is very powerful, two beautiful and brilliant beings whose existence has enhanced not only our lives but the world. Galen and I were destined to create. The thing about it though is that we were not meant to be together forever. There is someone else with whom I am destined to continue life's journey, and I'm okay with that. But I wasn't initially. Leaving was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. My heart was crushed. I had lost all faith in love. I'm over that now. I used to believe that love would make any and everything okay. I've realized that it's not quite so simple. There are a lot of facters that make a relationship successful and enduring. To sum it up I'll just say that the 'right' love is the main ingredient. The right love has a sincere and vested interest in your happiness and not just in their own. No doubt you must love yourself before you can love others. Without self-love, any love you attempt to give will be unhealthy. I thank God that I am no longer the giver or recipient of unhealthy love. I am looking forward to the partner that God will send my way. I'm not searching for it, or putting life on hold waiting for it, but I'm open to receive it. Having someone to come home to to enhance your happiness is a beautiful thing, it's love that is pimped out. I'm looking forward to some pimped out love and to all the people who will come into my life over the years and bless me with the experiences, lessons, and gifts they will leave behind. Every day I wake up thanking God for all the yesterdays and looking forward to living.